HOA Transition

Dear Homeowners

We are writing to inform you that as of December 01, 2023, the responsibilities of our community’s homeowners association (HOA) have been fully transferred from Brightland/Gehan Homes to us (the homeowners). The following three volunteers were elected to serve the HOA board based on the election that occurred on November 30, 2023;

  • Ammar Bhaisaheb
  • Ian MacKinnon
  • Dutt Tarigopulla

Currently, we all are working very closely with the PS property management to ensure smooth transition process from Brightland Homes. As part of the transition, we will be reviewing the current budget (including the actuals for 2023), vendor contracts, and other day-to-day operations.

For complete transparency with all the fellow homeowners, we will be frequently communicating the updates and get everyone’s opinion along with finalizing the best communication platform. 

In the interim, we wanted to bring forward the following few critical items that we’ve discovered so far;

  • As we all are still working on the transition activities and reviewing budgets (actual and forecast), the yearly assessment for now will mostly remain the same as last year ($625 for single-family homes and $587.90 for the townhomes) – Due January 01, 2024
  • While reviewing the budget we came across following issues that will warrant a mid-year (2024) increase in the HOA fees (no more than $150 per homeowner);
    1. Builder contribution ending in 2024 – We will no longer have HOA contribution from Brightland/Gehan Homes (leading to about $35K less in annual revenue that we will need to make up for)
    2. Reserves – The HOA currently has a very minimal cash reserves for future repairs or replacements. Experts recommend gradually building reserve funds to an amount equal to 2-3 years of operating expenses. Without building reserves now, special assessments later for repairs would be significantly higher.
    3. Community Enhancements – Current budget assessment doesn’t have any funding for some much needed community enhancements like installing lights near park and playground.

We will keep everyone posted here with frequent updates while we continue to work on the transition activities. We appreciate everyone’s patience during this process and look forward to homeowners active participation. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out on HOA@homestead.rocks

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